300 Paruthi Veerargal Part 2 Full Movie Download

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I'll be honest here. I wasn't a big fan of 300. The script was pretty basic but what worked was the production values, the action, casting and. The dialogues. That it what made it the moderate entertainer that it was. Now comes the sorry sequel.

Here you'll find a short list of things that make this movie un-watchable -- The story- Its like 300 all over again, minus the intensity and masculinity. Its terrible. There is no innovation, clearly the writer and director were short of any inspiration that could make the story adequately satisfying on any level. There was a kind of side story involving a father and son which was probably the worst part of this distasteful movie. By the end, i didn't care what happened to anybody as long as it happened quickly.0/10 The dialogues- So amateur, so freaking juvenile. Probably due to absence of script, the actors (oh the wretched actors!, will come to that later) were made to improvise and blurt whatever seems to be right-ish. Example- Warrior: There will be death and destruction!

300 part 2 cast

Themistocles: Yes. (long pause) Themistocles: There will be. And not to forget,SEIZE THE GLORY!!

0/10 The casting- The actors,all of them, even Queen Cercei, were just going through the motions. Telugu sirial acter vandhana acted sirial names. The lead guy was seriously miscast. He tried to pull a Butler, but failed.epically. Eva Green tried to do what she could with what she had, but she never had enough. Her scenes became monotonous after a while.

The side actors could easily have been crew members who were given roles just to get on with this crap-fest. The only strong character, i.e Xerxes was given about 6 minutes of screen time. Free download winning eleven 2018 ps2 iso hight compress. Its almost as if Zack 'The Hack' Snyder wanted this movie to fail, and fail it did. 2/10 (only for Rodrigo Santoro) The production- Now this is what made the original.well mediocre. I honestly believed that the movie will stand out in this department. Now heres what i observed.

Although made on a budget of 100 million, the effects were god-darn terrible. At times it felt like i was watching a TV show. Spartacus has 20 times better production value than this mess of a movie.

The battle scenes felt like the opposite of epic. Has this director ever shot any action scene before, let alone a battle! I've seen better choreographed fights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and i believed that about sums it up.

00/10 The direction- Probably a first timer, a clueless director just trying to follow a blind man's footsteps. I am not saying that a good director might have been able to pull it off, but this guy just added insult to injury. The climax - Don't care. Just Frickin end it and i'll be off. 0/10 And the absolute worst part-- There's gonna be another one.

When people will forget how bad this was, Mr Snyder will lay another crap on us. Don't watch it. Or if you're so darn inclined to punish yourself, i'd suggest you go easy on yourself and just watch 2 back to back recent Adam Sandler Movies.