Brain Kids Straight Technology

Jan 18, 2015. J Levitin explains how our addiction to technology is making us less efficient. To keep up with our lives, our children and parents, our friends, our careers, our. Asking the brain to shift attention from one activity to another causes the. Extracted from The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of. The effects of technology on children are complicated, with both benefits and costs. Whether technology helps or hurts in the development of your children’s thinking depends on what specific technology is used and how and what frequency it is used.

Katie Couric Interview: Our Brains on Tech and the Power of Empathy in the Digital Age When I first met Katie Couric last October, I didn’t recognize her. She, her husband John Molner, and I were the first to show up to a cocktail party. I’m not good at milling around by myself so I approached them, thrust out my hand, and struck up a conversation. I spoke mostly to John, remarking on the stifling heat and hike I’d done earlier in the looming Saddleback Mountain. Finally, I got around to asking what brought he and his wife to the conference.

“My wife is a journalist,” he replied humbly. “She’s speaking.” Journalist indeed. Katie Couric, the driving force behind the Today Show, 60 Minutes and recently the CBS Nightly News, is arguably the greatest journalist of our generation. She’s also hosted the Jay Leno show and famously interviewed Austin Powers. Drive and intelligence propelled her to the top of the news food chain but her warmth as a human kept her there for the past 30 years.

She inspires a Gladwellian Blink-like charm: upon meeting her, you immediately process her authenticity, empathy and intelligence. You’re not quite sure why, but you like her. At least I did. Her new series on the National Geographic Channel,, is taking a fresh look at our increasingly divided country.

I thought I’d take the opportunity to ask what’s she discovered, but also tap her for some “Blue Zones Insight.” My favorite: her career advice. Read on Dan Buettner: Your new series feels like you’re taking us along on a journey of exploration. It feels like participatory journalism, where the viewer is involved in uncovering the story. Katie Couric: That’s part of the idea of the series—I’m trying to let people explore through me and learn with me on these journeys. When I did the special for National Geographic, investigating the changing and complex issue of gender, I became better educated myself. Just like with that experience, I wanted people to feel like they were learning right there beside me.

It makes these complex subjects extremely accessible, and everyone feels more enlightened and informed at the end. DB: In the episode on technology,, you revealed that Americans are checking their phones about 150 times a day. What do you think that’s doing to our brains? KC: It’s doing a lot of things, and none of them are very good. I think it’s making it difficult for us to focus—and there’s a big misconception that multi-tasking is possible.

It’s making us more distracted and I think can even hurt our ability to think about anything deeply. It creates anxiety, from constant interruptions to concerns about being connected, and affects overall happiness.

There’s also concern that the blue screen—not the Blue Zones—are reducing melatonin and increasing cortisol. One doctor scared me when he said he’s seeing higher levels of plaque in kids who are using screens, and that we should be concerned because the plaque is similar to the plaque in Alzheimer’s patients. The thought of people having memory problems in their 30s and 40s is pretty frightening. DB: You visited Green Bank, West Virginia, the town where almost all technology is completely banned. What was your impression of the teens there? KC: It was kind of a throwback to different times. People there spend time outside, and spend a lot of time relating to each other and to their families.


And the teens I spoke to there were pretty relaxed and not really stressed which is a good thing. [Editor’s Note: In Green Bank, WV, all wireless devices are forbidden because the town houses the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which operates the world’s largest radio telescope. Radio, television, and cell phone towers are not allowed, because they send out signals that interfere with the telescope.

That means no cellphones, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, microwaves, remote control toys and even garage door openers.] DB: As you explored this topic, did you ever think we should legislate less screen time or that parents should take phones away from kids? KC: There needs to be moderation, like with anything else. We as parents need to think long and hard about giving kids total access to screens and at what age. A lot of emotional intelligence comes from modeling facial expressions and body language and talking face to face people and seeing how they’re reacting to what you’re saying. If people aren’t doing that and are only texting or not communicating in a real way, I think it’s going to affect our ability to communicate and present ourselves to other people in the wider world. I’m not trying to preach, but instead I’m saying maybe these are all things we need to think more about—including things happening right now like people having virtual girlfriends and virtual partners.