Install Fonts Windows 7 Script Without Reboot

Now notice that Alibre Symbols font is seen in Windows 'Fonts' folder. However, in order to achieve what you want you can set the 'Reboot behavior' field, from 'Install Parameters' page, to 'Force Reboot after install'.

First, make sure that the script is running with administrator privileges. Second, use the _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo() function to retrieve the names of the font. Third, to set the font to the 'Fonts' folder you can simply copy it (no need modify registry). Running with administrator privileges doesn't help - There are still no Reg Entries. I don't use the WinAPI because it returns different Names than when i install it manually (it returns german names). So - you think i can simply run Filecopy ($font, 'C:WindowsFonts')? Wish it was that simple.

I made my own version of this. ( 'MustDeclareVars', 1 ) $i $f = 0 $suc $nr $Name [ 3 ] $Name [ 0 ] = 'letgot.ttf' $Name [ 1 ] = 'letgotb.ttf' $Name [ 2 ] = 'letgoti.ttf' $i $Name $suc = ( $i, & 'Fonts' ) $nr = ( & 'Fonts' & $i, $FR_PRIVATE, 1 ) $suc = 0 ( 16, 'Failed', 'Import of the file ' & $i & ' failed.' ) $f = $f + 1 $f. I used Yashied's WinAPIEx UDF. Here: ( 'MustDeclareVars', 1 ) ( 'myfont.ttf', & 'Fonts' ) ( & 'Fontsmyfont.ttf', $FR_PRIVATE, 1 ) did this work on Win7 32bit? I am trying to use this same code to try to install a bunch of older barcode ttf fonts but have not been able to get this to even copy the fonts.

I modified the script to include myfont.ttf = C39EI.ttf (the name of the font file i want to install). I also have installed the WinAPIEx UDF addon into my autoit v3 install too. I actually build.exe files of the scripts which are then ran as the user account. I even tried to compile a second.exe to run the above script built into an exe as the local administrator w/o any luck. No registry entries and the font file never gets copied to C: windows fonts any help would be much appreciated.

Btw, i love autoit for app deployments! Makes our lives so much easier!

Windows 7 has apparently changed the way fonts are installed. I have a web page that I use that when visiting the page it looks to see if a file called barcode.exe is installed in a particular folder and if it is not present it downloads the file and executes it. The exe file is designed to place 2 carolina bar code fonts into C: windows fonts.

Powershell script install font

This works with no issues in both Windows XP and Windows Vista but is not working in Windows 7. I can manually install these into Windows 7 font folder with no problem, but need to be able to do it automatically. Does anyone know an effective command line to use to place a font into the font folder in Windows 7? In my my.bat file, I run Font.vbs file. Gp-pro ex 3.1. Rem Add files O: BDARevit Distra Font.vbs Text code inside of Font.vbs file as follows: ' Fonts.cfg ' January 13, 2010 ' ---------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Dim objShell, objFolder Const FONTS = &H14& Set objShell = CreateObject('Shell.Application') Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(FONTS) objFolder.CopyHere 'O: BDARevit Distra architxt.ttf' Set objShell = CreateObject('Shell.Application') Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(FONTS) objFolder.CopyHere 'O: BDARevit Distra BlankSerif.ttf' Wscript.Quit.

When you install a font, all that you actually do is to copy the concerned.ttf file to the%systemroot% fonts (in most cases that would simply be C: windows fonts) and add an entry in under the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Fonts'. You can do this with a batch file as follows: Rem fontinstall.bat xcopy *.ttf%systemroot% fonts regedit /s font.reg The font.reg would contain the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Fonts] 'fontname (TrueType)'='filename.ttf' You would need to reboot to see the font. Keyboard Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 3000 (USB) Mouse Microsoft Comfort Mouse 3000 for Business (USB) PSU XFX Pro Series 850W Semi-Modular Case Gigabyte IF233 Cooling 1 x 120mm Front Inlet 1 x 120mm Rear Exhaust Hard Drives OCZ Agility 3 SSD 120GB SATA III x2 (RAID 0) Samsung HD501LJ 500GB SATA II x2 Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 1TB SATA II Iomega 1.5TB Ext USB 2.0 WD 2.0TB Ext USB 3.0 Internet Speed NetGear DG834Gv3 ADSL Modem/Router (Ethernet) ~4.0 Mb/s (O2) Antivirus Avast!