Pregnancy Books In Tamil Free Download Pdf

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With the intimidating sea of books and information available on the topics of pregnancy, birth, and babies, it can be confusing and daunting to choose which books to read. Even just within the topic of baby sleep, you could read a handful different books!

We have put together a nice well-rounded list of the best books on each topic to help you feel educated and prepared for the new journey you’re taking. On Planning: by Regina Leeds A baby brings so much change to life so it’s hard to know where to start in your preparations. Takes you through, week by week, with checklists and tips to get your home and life ready for your little one. On Childbirth: by Ina May Gaskin Focusing on a natural approach to childbirth, emphasizes the mind-body connection and how to increase your chances of having a birth experience free of medical interventions. This book will have you feeling prepared and empowered to take charge of your childbirth experience. On Pregnancy: by Aviva Jill Romm, MD is a gentle, natural approach to caring for your body and your baby from conception to birth that focuses on healthy foods and herbs. Romm discusses the use of herbal remedies to help relieve common pregnancy experiences and will guide you to nourish yourself and your baby in a nurturing way.


By Ann Douglas A more lighthearted guide to pregnancy, takes you through your pregnancy week-by-week. It’s packed with information on physical feelings and emotions, baby gear, birth and your postpartum body. On Breastfeeding: by William Sears, MD If you plan on breastfeeding, covers everything you may need to know or might encounter on the journey of feeding your baby. It is full of encouragement, tips, and solutions to common problems to prepare for you before you begin and as a resource to refer back to once you have started. On Health: by Robert W. Sears, MD Free of scare-tactics or biased opinions, is fact based and easy to read.

Sears explains each vaccine on the AAP schedule, why it’s given, the ingredients, concerns, what to consider, and a small paragraph with his opinion on if/when to give the vaccine. This book is a great resource of information no matter where you land on the spectrum of vaccinating. On Soothing/Sleep: by Harvey Karp, MD Based on the idea of the Fourth Trimester and the Calming Reflex, helps you to understand your baby’s crying, learn to easily soothe them and help them sleep longer. By Elizabeth Pantley An alternative method to letting your baby cry it out is the, which offers gentle tips and techniques to slowly ease your baby into a long and healthy night of sleeping. On Development: by Susan Goodwyn Ph.D is a guide into the understanding of your baby’s emotional life. It will help you learn how to teach your child about their emotions in healthy and loving ways.

Jenn Berman takes you through a list of powerful and useful techniques to use in raising your child to reach their full potential, mentally and emotionally. For Fun: by Peter Tallack is a beautiful visual journey of an baby growing from embryo to full-term infant.

Following along week-by-week during your pregnancy gives you an accurate picture of how your baby is developing as it grows. By Alice Bradley & Eden M. Kennedy takes you through the joys and rigors of having a baby in the best way possible, with humor. Taking things less seriously than ever, this book will help you to laugh at yourself and make you feel less alone in your crazy journey into parenthood.

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