Saint Seiya Zeus Chapter Download

This page is dedicated to my Zeus Fanic and related materials. I wrote my Zeus Chapter after reading the Great Holy War History(Hypermyth). If you are new to this page, please read Earth Chapter before Olympus Chapter. It is also suggested you read the Hypermyth before you read my Zeus Chapter. The Great Holy War History(Hypermyth) It was published in Cosmo Special, while Saint Seiya was still in Poseidon Chapter. The artciles itself was presented in a timeline fashion with pictures. I have translated the original Japanese text and made diagrams based on the timeline and scanned the pictures for you to enjoy.

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Extra The Road to Zeus Complete Episodes of The Zeus Chapter- Olympus Episode 1: Seven Deadly Sins. [Nanatsu no Shi no Tsumi] 2: The Curse of Second Purge!! Pa-zu [Dai Ni Dou no Noroi!!] with pictures!! Episode 3: The Fierce Battle of Second Purge!! Pa-zu [Daini Dou no Gekisen!!] 4: Seed and Bud. Shido Bado [Tane to Me ] with pictures!! Episode 5: Goal.

Ages ago, the goddess Athena was served by fighters called Saints who channeled the power of the Cosmos within them. Now a youth named Seiya has trained to become a Saint himself by earning the mystical Cloth of Pegasus. He is joined by other Saints with Cloths of their own to fight for Athena.

[Mokuhyou] 6: Amethyst vs. [Amejisuto tai Daimondo!!] with pictures!! Episode 7: Shun! Sono Tatakai!!] 8: The Memory of Death!!

[Shi no Kioku!!] with pictures!! Episode 9: Supreme Comet!! Shu-puri-mu Kometo [Ooi naru Suisei!!] 10: Athena's Kamui!! Kamui [Atena no Shin I:Gods' Cloth!!] with pictures!! Episode 11: Hera! The Queen of Heaven!! Tenjyouoh:Sky Queen!!] 12: Athena!

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The Time of Promise!! Yakusoku no Toki!!] with pictures!! Episode 13: Apollon and Artemis!!

Aporon Arutemisu [Taiyoushin:Sun God to Tsukishin:Moon God!!] 14: Shock! The 12 Kamui!! Kamui [Odoroki!

12 Tai no Shin I!!] with pictures!! Episode 15: God Cloth vs.

Goddo Kurosu Kamui [ Shin Sei I:God Sacred Cloth tai Shin I:Gods' Cloth!!] 16: Pegasus! Beyond Mythology!! Pegasasu [Ten Ma:Sky Horse! Shinwa wo Koete!!] with pictures!! Episode 17: Unlimited Cold Power! Mystic Zero!!

[ Mugen no Touki:Cold Air! Seima Reido!!] 18: The Messenger of Death and Sleep!! [Shi to Nemuri no Shisha!!] with pictures!! Episode 19: The Last Knowledge!!

[Saishuu no Chie!!] 20: At Prophecy's End. [Kanekoto no Hate.] with pictures!!

Episode 21: D X V!! [Di- E-kusu Bi-!!] 22: The Ultimate Sacrifice!! [Saikou no Gisei!!] with pictures!! Episode 23: Ichor! The Power of the Gods!! I-ko-ru [Shin sei:Divine Nature!!