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Both first baseman (607 PA, 4.4 zWAR) and shortstop (666, 5.7) remain subject to a Young Driver Surcharge when patronizing any of this country’s major rental-car providers. When not busy securing dependable transportation at a competitive rate, however, they occupy their time creating runs as professional ballplayers. ZiPS calls for that pair to produce roughly 10 wins just between the two of them in 2018.

If one is intent on identifying a weakness — or at least an uncertainty — within the depth chart, then left field appears to be the best candidate. (475, 2.4) was optioned to Triple-A in mid-August and absent from much of the postseason, raising some questions about his job security with the present iteration of the club. Even he is forecast to produce wins at an above-average rate, however. Pitchers The Dodgers’ pitching staff was also in the majors this past season. As with the club’s hitting cohort, most of the principal actors from the NL championship team return in 2018. (179.0 IP, 5.8 zWAR), unsurprisingly, receives the top projection, while three other starters — (115.2, 2.4), (150.2, 3.0), and (144.1, 2.6) — are forecast to record two or more wins. After that foursome is a surfeit of useful, if not wholly dependable, options, of which (112.2, 1.3) appears most likely to break camp as part of the rotation.

Only 12 relievers in the majors recorded this past season. It was the in 2016. In 2015, only reached the two-win threshold.

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All of which is to say that, while the projected win total for (63.0 IP, 55 ERA-, 2.2 zWAR) might appear modest, it’s actually pretty aggressive. The mean estimate for Jansen’s 2018 season places him among the top 10 or so pitchers by observed result.

That’s impressive, which is why this entire paragraph about the Dodger bullpen is dedicated exclusively to Kenley Jansen. Bench/Prospects Whether it’s (361 PA, 1.9 zWAR) or (452, 2.8) who ultimately records more playing time for the Dodgers in 2018, the club is nearly certain to receive one of the league’s top contributions from a back-up catcher, as well. In the outfield, both (363, 1.0) and (559, 0.9) profile as strong depth options; as left-handed batters, however, neither is a candidate to work in a platoon with Joc Pederson. (344, 0.8) and minor leaguer (550, 0.8) are both right-handed batters who’ve played all over the diamond.