Torrent Wham The Final Live

Dec 25, 2016 - George Michael, the English songwriter and pop star who died at 53 on Sunday, was a reliably outstanding live performer, though after a world. 'Most of them were performed with live rhythm sections and all were written. Sarm's Studio 2 was the recording venue for Wham!' S final studio album, Music.

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Great torrent! Very fast seeders thank you, thank you very much for posting!:) FLAC sound is the only way to go nowadays, mp3s just dont cut it anymore. Help spread the word! There are far too many uninformed, ignoramuses here on pirate bay still ripping their cds using 320kbs MP3 which is pointless unless your computer has like 200 gigs of ram, a number very low by today's standards.

You can buy massive amounts of external harddrive memory for chump change. Heres to seeing all of the music on PB available in FLAC! This is the only true way to listen to your music! ' eddie864 at 2011-02-28 05:03 CET: Flacs might sound better (although I dunno if they do) but I do know that my music player, phone and car stereo won't play flac or ogg. That leaves the various less common formats and mp3's that they do play. VHS won over Betamax yet Betamax was better.' 1st: Flac files sound better, because they are LOSSLESS, meaning they don't lose any musical information present on the original CD.

MP3, even if recorded in 320kbps is a lossy format. 2nd: You must have a really crappy phone (aka iPhone =) My cheap Galaxy Pocket running winamp plays FLAC, OGG, etc. 3rd: You can always convert FLAC to other formats (even Apple Lossles, which can be played on the aforementioned crappy iPhones). And if you record it on a CD, it'll sound EXACTLY like the original one! And, of course, you can convert it to MP3's and be sure you recorded from a good source, unlike many reconverted files around the torrents.

Pirivom santhipom serial episode 150 4th: Comparing FLACs to Betamax is bullshit. There wasn't much difference between regular Cassetes and Betamax ones, specially on hi-fi equipments. But THERE IS MUCH difference between a lossless and a lossy format.

5th: If you can't tell the difference between the sound of Flac files and MP3s, I'm so sorry for you. @sapo_joe: Sorry, but you are kidding yourself. FLAC is awesome for archiving, but no human ear can tell the difference between an MP3 320cbr and FLAC. It's just simple biology.

While I agree that all music sharing should be done by FLAC, putting FLAC on your portable devices which have limited hard drive space is really wasteful. I would much rather carry around my whole music collection on my phone than just a small part of it. And the sound output hardware is incapable of playing audio at full quality even for MP3 320cbr.

It's only made for the quality that earbuds can handle, not concert hall acoustics. Tl;dr - Come back to the real world and stop acting like a snob.